Richard Hughes

BSc(Hons), D.Hom.Med, MHMA, MRSHUK, MBC, Cert. Chronic Pain Management, Cert. Positive Psychology

Richard worked as a senior lecturer in Horticulture, Garden Design and Landscape Management in Higher Education before training to become a homeopath at the Hahnemann College of Homeopathy, qualifying in 2006. It was witnessing the amazing healing powers of homeopathy that inspired Richard to retrain.

He chose Homeopathy because it is a form of energy/vibrational medicine that promotes the body to heal itself, working on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes, so can, therefore, be used safely alongside conventional medicine. Dis-ease is the body’s way of telling us something is wrong and how it needs to be treated on an individual level. Richard is a great believer in finding the cause of the problem and treating it accordingly.

Richard uses Homeopathy as a powerful tool for the treatment of emotional problems, which often give rise to physical conditions. These emotional problems are all too common in our fast-paced, pressure-ridden modern society that we live in and, in some cases, can be passed on by the parents, even to the foetus whilst in the mother’s womb.

He encourages mothers-to-be to seriously consider Homeopathy as a safe and effective form of medicine during pregnancy and childbirth. After much in-depth research and clinical practice, Richard has found an association of developmental disorders in children brought about through the ill-effects of vaccinations which he treats using homeopathic remedies

As well as Homeopathy, Richard also offers EAV allergy testing for air-borne and ingested substances, and Homotoxicology.

Richard is a full member of the Homeopathic Medical Association abiding by their strict code of ethics and a professional member of Backcare.

Richard uses a holistic approach for individual conditions by using or combining homeopathy, EAV allergy testing, and kinesiology.

Treatments: Homeopathy, Allergy Testing, Homotoxicology

Book an Appointment

Feel free to contact me or call 07830 818916 to book an appointment. My clinic is situated in idyllic countryside in Purleigh, Maldon, Essex with lots of free parking. Just 10 minutes drive from Chelmsford, Maldon and South Woodham Ferrers.